1. Upgrading to Ubuntu Intrepid

    Upgrading from Ubuntu "Hardy Heron" to "Intrepid Ibex" wasn't the smooth ride I was used to. I'm a pretty happy Ubuntu user and my system (an old Acer Travelmate 291) has been running all Ubuntu releases since "Breezy Badger" without a single reinstall. This time, however, I experienced problems with …

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  2. Efficient Development Environment Setup

    Development environments and their configuration can become quite complex. It's not unusual that a complete workstation setup takes half a day or more and requires extensive help from other project members. Using virtual machines for the runtime environment can help to reduce setup and maintenance costs.

    For large Java web …

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  3. Understanding the find(1) Utility

    The Unix find(1) utility is a powerful tool, yet few people really understand how it works. It may be a bit confusing at first, but a programmer who knows his boolean algebra should be able to wrap his head around the basic concepts without much trouble.

    You've probably seen …

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  4. Professional Deployment and Operation of Web Applications

    There are millions of web applications on the Internet that are under constant development. Paying software developers to work on bug fixes and new features is quite expensive already, but what's often neglected is the cost for deployment and operation. Well-run organizations invest in their deployment and runtime infrastructure and …

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  5. The State of Java Build Systems

    Most people eventually get it that building release artifacts using their IDEs is not the way to nirvana. Builds have to stay stable and reproducible between IDE revisions, and being able to execute them in a command line environment or especially continuous integration servers is key to agile development.

    Fortunately …

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  6. Why Do We Build Web Applications?

    Creating a good user interface is no trivial task, no matter if it's running as a desktop application or inside a browser. When it comes to accessing server-side resources (a common thing in the corporate world) web applications seem to be the first choice nowadays. You have complete control over …

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  7. Quick Tip #1: Implicit FIFOs in Bash

    One could assume that I have run out of material and retreat to safer ground, but far from it. From now on I'll just throw in a few quick shell hacks hoping some of you don't know them yet. So, here it goes ...

    Unix pipes are cool, but it's quite …

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  8. Rsync Backups For External Disks

    Virtually everybody agrees that backups are a good idea, but few people actually do them. Backup software is often time consuming to set up or just overkill for a single-user system. In this article I'll show how easy it is to build your own backup solution on Linux using rsync …

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  9. Transcoding Files to Ogg Vorbis

    I've got a nice MP3 player from Samsung with 2 GB of flash memory. That's very little and I can never decide which files to keep and which to delete. Fortunately, the player also supports Ogg Vorbis files that require less space for the same quality. To make the most …

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