1. Tag Cloud and New Theme

    Published: Sat 15 January 2011
    By mafr

    In meta.

    Web sites need design updates from time to time and this blog is no exception. While I was mostly happy with the Sapphire theme, code examples didn't look good and it didn't support widgets on the article pages. Most importantly, however, its tag cloud was quite ugly which prevented me …

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  2. Basics of Near Duplicate Detection

    Finding duplicate files is easy, anyone can do it. Finding files that are almost identical is more difficult, but it's useful for use cases like detecting plagiarism. In this article, I'll present a simple python program that calculates the textual similarity of two documents.

    The basic idea is to reduce …

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  3. So Much for 2010

    Published: Sun 02 January 2011
    By mafr

    In meta.

    2010 is over and almost forgotten already and my blog has been running for four years now. Like in previous years, I haven't been posting much, but pretty regularly. The helpful people from Wordpress sent me an email with some statistics I'd like to share.

    This blog has seen 31 …

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  4. Into the Future with IPv6

    2011 may not be the year when IPv4 addresses finally run out, but the reserves are running low enough to warrant large IPv6 transition projects. Access providers and domain hosters will see the effects first because the growth of their businesses depends directly on the supply of new IP addresses …

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  5. Switching Displays via Keyboard Shortcuts

    When I'm at my desk I use an external LCD monitor with my netbook. I'm glad that switching displays finally works on Linux, but even on Ubuntu it takes a lot of clicks in the Monitors menu. Fortunately, I found a way to map this to keyboard shortcuts.

    The following …

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