Tag Cloud and New Theme

Published: Sat 15 January 2011
By mafr

In meta.

Web sites need design updates from time to time and this blog is no exception. While I was mostly happy with the Sapphire theme, code examples didn't look good and it didn't support widgets on the article pages. Most importantly, however, its tag cloud was quite ugly which prevented me from using it. After some research, I switched to Wordpress' default theme, Twenty Ten.

My most important change was to remove the categories menu and use the tag cloud widget instead. I think the tag cloud is a much better way to access my content, at least after I went through all of my old articles and tagged them (Wordpress didn't have tags when I started this blog in 2006). The archives widget had to go, too, because it had no real value.

I really like the clean look of the theme and the default images even though I'm still looking for a geeky header image. I know that most of my regular readers never leave their RSS reader, but now it's time to come over and tell me what you think :)
